The sun knows its going down. You make darkness, and it is night. O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom, You have made them all. – Psalm 103: 19, 24 (LXX)
And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone. – Matthew 14:23
Vespers is the evening service of the daily prayer office. In fact, the term ‘vespers’ in Greek and Latin both mean ‘evening’. It commences the liturgical day from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, according to the order in which God created all things; “And there was evening and there was morning, the first day” (Gen 1:5).
In monasteries and churches around the world, Vespers is served daily, but in most parishes, it is served on Saturday evenings in preparation for the Lord’s Day on Sunday, and for special feast days throughout the year.
St Paul’s commences Vespers on Saturday evenings at 5:00 PM.
If you would like to “come and see” (John 1:46), please refer to our Service Schedule or Events Calendar.