St. Paul’s Family Camp 2024

This past month, I had the opportunity to attend our church’s family camp at the monastery in Goulburn. It was a weekend marked by sunshine, shared meals, and time in each other’s presence—far removed from the busyness and noise of daily life. For many of us, the need to be connected through the use of our mobile devices was removed, allowing for a deeper, truer connection, both with each other and God.

Upon arriving at camp, there was a palpable excitement, not just for the change of scenery, but for the chance to escape the daily grind and immerse ourselves in a space that invited peace and reflection. The monastery’s environment combined with our intentional disconnection from the outside world allowed us to truly be present.

The camp structure was designed in such a way that we spent time in sessions discussing theology, our day-to-day walk with God and practical spiritual practices. During one such session, a talk by George D, which focused on endurance in the Christian life, I couldn’t help but to reflect on what suffering means for us as followers of Christ. His words resonated deeply, reminding me that suffering, though difficult, is not without purpose when we approach it with faith. This theme of suffering and endurance was further highlighted to me in some of the more unique aspects of this camp.

One of the unique aspects of this camp was the chance to form deeper bonds across generations. As we shared meals, I found myself in conversations with the elders of our community—many of whom had immigrated to Australia years ago. They shared their stories of finding their life partners, raising children, and holding on to their faith and culture in a new land. For many the stories that they told were not devoid of pain and suffering, on the contrary, many spoke of the loss of loved ones, the loss of parents, the loss of children and extended family, times of financial struggle and times of grappling to hold onto their faith and identity. There was beauty in their stories, and I was reminded of the richness and wisdom that comes from listening to those who have walked before us. Their stories spoke not only of endurance but also of God’s faithfulness through every season of life.

As we progressed through the various sessions, a consistent theme emerged: Christ as our Shepherd and we as His sheep. The metaphor was more than just imagery—it encapsulated the essence of our relationship with God. We are created for communion, not just with God as our shepherd but with one another as members of the same flock. As guest speakers Father Theophan highlighted there is a synergy between us and God, a call and response. This synergy between God and man was further encapsulated both in the session with Kh Rita wherein we discussed the titular Psalm 23 and in the talk our very own Abouna, Father Jean Mawal gave. In the Psalm, it talks of the Lord Leading us to still waters, yet it does not speak of the Lord forcing us to drink. God has much in store for us, however these things
are contingent upon our response to God. God calls, and we, in trust and obedience, respond.

This theme challenged me to reflect on my own life. How often do I try to steer the ship myself, relying on my own understanding instead of surrendering my ego to God’s will? At camp, the message was clear: God will meet our needs, but we must first trust Him, surrender our plans, and follow where He leads. It was a humbling reminder that to truly know God, we must first let go of our desire for control.

Leaving the quiet simplicity of camp, I felt both refreshed and challenged. At camp, everything was simple: meals were shared, prayers were collective, and we were surrounded by people united in their desire to grow closer to God. But back home, the walk of faith often feels more solitary. This contrast has made me realise how much more discipline is required to maintain that same sense of stillness and trust in everyday life.

Yet, the lessons from camp remain with me. Yes, God has a plan for each of us, but we are not passive recipients. We are called to be active participants in His plan, trusting Him while doing our part. What good is a plan if it is not enacted? It remains as simply a plan, something meaningless until actuated.

As I reflect on the camp experience, the question remains: how will we follow the path God has laid out for us? It’s easy to lose sight of God’s plan when we are caught up in the demands of daily life. But if there’s one thing I took away from camp, it’s that God’s timing is perfect. Our part is to trust, to obey, and to move forward with faith, knowing that He is always with us.

As we continue our walk of faith—both as individuals and as a church community—may we strive to live in communion with God and with one another, trusting in His guidance and surrendering our will to His.


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